PhD Student Seminar Series
The MICDE PhD Student Seminar Series showcases the research of students in the Ph.D. in Scientific Computing. These events are open to the public, but we request that all who plan to attend register in advance.
If you have any questions, please email
Upcoming PhD Student Seminars
Ph.D. in Scientific Computing Student Seminars
4th floor conference room, Green Ct. 3520 Green Ct., Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesPreet Baxi (Physics): Monitoring the fidelity of the LIGO detectors
Anthony Chen (Math): Fast Summation for Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Ph.D. in Scientific Computing Student Seminars
4th floor conference room, Green Ct. 3520 Green Ct., Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesSahil Bhola (Aerospace Engineering): Rounding uncertainity analysis for floating-point statistical models
Martin Macias Medellin (Political Science): Homogenous Cities? How Conflict and Politics Shape the Urban Topography
Ph.D. in Scientific Computing Student Seminars
4th floor conference room, Green Ct. 3520 Green Ct., Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesSamuel Ogunwale (Chemical Engineering): Chemical Engineering and Scientific Computing
Xin Zhang (Environmental Health Sciences): EHS and Scientific Computing
Jesus Castor (Biomedical Engineering): Engineering The Immune Response To Improve Muscle Regeneration
Ph.D. in Scientific Computing Student Seminars
4th floor conference room, Green Ct. 3520 Green Ct., Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesZach Croft (Applied Physics): Applied Physics and Scientific Computing
Cassie Turner (Health Infrastructures & Learning Systems): Using weighting-based causal mediation analysis to calculate counterfactual disparity measures for access to weight management treatments
Previous Ph.D. Student Seminars
Information for Presenters
If you enrolled in the Ph.D. in Scientific Computing after December 2021, you must present at the MICDE Ph.D. Student Seminar series in order to graduate with a Ph.D. in Scientific Computing.
1) Familiarize yourself with the PhD student seminars
Before presenting, you are strongly encouraged to attend as many sessions of the the Ph.D. Seminar Series as you can, from students in your department and outside it. This will give you an opportunity to learn the style of these presentations. Please register in advance so that we know how many people to expect at each session. Lunch is included.
2) Sign up for a presentation slot
Please sign up for a day/time slot using the MICDE Ph.D. Student Seminar Sign-up form. When possible, please select the remaining time slot on a day that has already been selected – this will allow us to schedule more efficiently.
The Working Title that you use on the sign-up form will be used for early promotion before you fill out the ‘talk details’ form with your final talk title. If you don’t even have a working title at the time you sign up, please list your degree program and Scientific Computing, e.g. “Physics and Scientific Computing” as a placeholder.
If you need to present in order to graduate and are unable to present during one of the scheduled seminar times, please contact MICDE early in the semester to make other arrangements. We recommend planning to present before your final semester if possible, so that you have time to make these arrangements.
When you sign up, please add your talk date and the talk details deadline (in column I of the spreadsheet) to your personal calendar.
3) Complete the speaker information form by the talk details deadline
Please let us know if you have any questions about the speaker information form.
3) Prepare your presentation
- Know your audience. The Ph.D. Student Seminar Series is an opportunity to learn how to simplify the explanation of your research problems and methods in order to talk about them to colleagues outside of your lab or your home department, which will help you prepare for future job searches. There will be attendees from different departments or even different schools/colleges than your own, so please prepare to speak on your topic in a way that will be accessible to people from a wide range of disciplines.
- The Ph.D. Student Seminar Series is an opportunity to get practice presenting your research, so it may be helpful to plan as though you were presenting at a conference:
- Practice your talk before you give it so that you’re more comfortable speaking
- Dress as though you were attending a conference
- See the “Logistics” section of this page for more details about preparing and presenting your talk.
- Each speaker will have 30 minutes, so you should plan for a 20-minute talk followed by 5-10 minutes of questions.
- Please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early so that we can get set up and troubleshoot any problems. If you’re in the second presentation slot, it would be ideal for you to show up a few minutes before the first presentation, so that we can prepare for the transition.
- Please register as an attendee to your own session, especially if you have dietary restrictions you’d like us to accommodate.
- Invite your friends and colleagues. The PhD Student Seminars are open to the public and food will be provided. Let your department(s) and advisor(s) know about your presentation so that they can help us promote it. Please encourage folks to register for the session.
- Students typically present from their own laptops. Please make sure that you have whatever devices or dongles you need to connect to a classroom projector. If you want to present from the classroom computer, please reach out to MICDE in advance to arrange this.
- If you want MICDE to record your seminar for your personal use, please let us know in advance.
- If you would like to receive feedback on your presentation, please let attendees know how to reach you.
- If you have any questions when preparing for your presentation, please email MICDE.