by U-M MICDE | Jun 25, 2015 | General Interest, News
ARC-TS and ITS are pleased to announce that the University of Michigan is now a Globus Provider for the research community. Globus is a robust cloud based file transfer service specifically designed for moving many large files, ranging from tens of GB to tens of TB,...
by U-M MICDE | May 22, 2015 | General Interest, News
ARC now provides a consulting service to assist researchers with deploying and running codes on HPC clusters such as Flux. The service assists with adapting scientific codes to parallel environments, making efficient use of HPC resources, scaling up codes, locating...
by U-M MICDE | May 21, 2015 | General Interest, News
The Visible Human project has a series of high resolution CT or MRI scans of human bodies. These images can be stitched together to make volume renderings of the original subject. These images were generated from high resolution CT scans available here at Michigan....
by U-M MICDE | May 21, 2015 | General Interest, News
The Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering is proud to announce the winners of the 2015-2016 MICDE fellowships, for students enrolled in graduate studies in computational science. For the first time this year, students in both the Ph.D in...
by U-M MICDE | Apr 26, 2015 | News
Eight Intel Xeon Phi 5110p cards are now available from ARC-TS as a technology preview. These are known as Many Integrated Core or MIC architectures, and consist of accelerator cards that fit into a Flux compute nodes. A code can then offload portions or all of the...
by U-M MICDE | Feb 24, 2015 | Events, News
The ARC cluster Flux and Engineering cluster Nyx will be unavailable for jobs March 28th at 10:00pm. There is an emergency update to the ITS Value Storage systems on that date. Flux and Nyx rely on Value Storage and thus...
by U-M MICDE | Feb 23, 2015 | News
This week, the Advanced Research Computing web sites will be updated to reflect ongoing changes to ARC, and to provide easier access to relevant information. Information on Flux, upcoming HPC training sessions, and other computing services will be on the...
by U-M MICDE | Jan 28, 2015 | General Interest, News
ARC is starting a pilot consulting service aimed at scientific code optimization. Through this service, you can receive assistance with locating performance bottlenecks, identifying hot spots, and parallelizing performance-critical parts of your HPC codes....